Friday, September 23, 2011

The Kingdom Scribe: My Interpretation of Watch the Throne

For weeks I have been struggling to get a message that was relevant about Watch the Throne. I begin by hating on the entire album, my slogan "Not Impressed." Just another album, that was the surface, but I then delved into production and lyrics and became a fan. The album conjured a lot of issues African American males face religion, success, power, and the future. The main message I believe is SURVIVAL. If one was to travel through this album as a novel the re-occurring theme is a journey through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The more I listened and studied lyrics and structure I heard a political message (Even "Niggas in Paris"). In the coming weeks I will present Kingdom Scribe, my visual interpretation of Watch The Thrown and personal opinion on each of the songs (Minus H.A.M. If that song was a person I would punch it in the stomach repeatedly.)

Stay Tuned.

Murder To Excellence

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Unity Square

I was on Almeda and stumbled across this spot. I named it Unity Square. What intrigued me the most about it is the sprawl of chaos and the potential for an amazing shoot or film setting. enjoy

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Photos of Cloud

Its Hunting Season. I Choose to Hunt Through The Clouds. All These Photos Were Taken For Recon Purposes. NO DREAM IS SAFE!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tells From The Stomach

Kirin Seafood and Sushi Buffet, Houston

Discovery Green Vendor, Houston

Blue Moon Cafe, Baltimore

Sprinkles, Houston

Chin Tao, Houston

Chin Tao, Houston

Soul Vegetarian Cafe, D.C.

Isabella's, Baltimore

My House, Houston

Chili's, Houston

Chili's, Houston

Ruggles Greens, Houston

The Grove, Houston

The Chocolate Bar, Houston

CoCo Crepes, Houston

How Do You Roll?, Houston

BeauCoup, Houston

At Ms. Gwen's House, Houston