bring joy, all the many happenings, opinions, facts, photos, scenes, people, style, fun, talent, inspiration, art, jokes, puns, hope ....THEY ARE AMAZING!!!
Derek and I worked together (great guy) and Catharine (lovely lady) is his boo. Derek does everything and can build an ark out of silly string (hyperbole, but I haven't asked if he couldn't)Cat has the most amazing taste, her insight on aesthetics are phenomenal. I go to their blog for inspiration, 10 things and food.
If you haven't gone, go. By far the greatest blog. I stumbled upon it through a post on Swagger 360 and I have been addicted since. Here you get to view the growth of a company. The Brooklyn Circus is a more than a clothing company, it is a lifestyle, and we get to go on the journey as they expand The BKc Style+Character & The 100 Year Plan.
Ohh My. These gentleman are like my brothers. They have amazing style. They are not like the normal men in fashion that say "Darling thats fabulous", they give you insight on pieces that you don't think about wearing til you see them style it and they also give you the history. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE BLACK IVY Showcase.
The beauty of Scott Schuman is his passion. You can tell he looked at his subjects with a love only photographers know. Every shot is breathtaking.
Read.....That was all I needed. The opening statement made me fall in love.
Lots of fantasticness here. I discovered this gem on Here you can find info on great and up-and-coming illustrators. I love this blog because I am inspired by most of the artist (Valentin Fischer).
I got mad love for this brother. Karl Guerre is my hero. His blog is cool but the fact that his work is featured on so many sites and publications is truly a mark of greatness.
My fashion twin minus the man bag
"The Pulse of Young Black America." If you ever wonder if some one is thinking what you are thinking when it comes to current events or females cockblocking (a great post by the way)this is it. tFx is a forum so you get a wide range of subjects and many opinions (with facts).

The Truth. If tFX is the pulse of young black America, then theroot is the blood that flows. An extension of the Washington Post delivers news relevant to African-Americans and our communities.

Positive black male news. This is a really good idea, the contributors simply are giving credit where credit is due.

If you want to find a new sound, discover the black music you have never heard. They deal with mainstream but they are heavy on the alternative sounds

He is an artist, He posts. Nothing else!

In doing my research for the field of anthropology I learned about Prof Jackson of U.Penn. When I become an adult I want to be like him. If you are interested in anthropology or a professor ranting go.

If you haven't heard of this get from under that rock. The creator provided his address, and people from all over write a secret (creatively) on a postcard. He post every Sunday. Hearts are bleeding and sometimes their secrets are my secrets and I think thats why I keep going back. There is never a time when I don't connect with a post

Art at its finest. I really go see what else I can do with photoshop. Good stuff.
Quick post on current events. What I go for are the comments. I don't leave comments I just like eavesdropping. Its like listening to the conversation at the next table in a restaurant (and eating watermelon).