For weeks I have been struggling to get a message that was relevant about Watch the Throne. I begin by hating on the entire album, my slogan "Not Impressed." Just another album, that was the surface, but I then delved into production and lyrics and became a fan. The album conjured a lot of issues African American males face religion, success, power, and the future. The main message I believe is SURVIVAL. If one was to travel through this album as a novel the re-occurring theme is a journey through Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The more I listened and studied lyrics and structure I heard a political message (Even "Niggas in Paris"). In the coming weeks I will present Kingdom Scribe, my visual interpretation of Watch The Thrown and personal opinion on each of the songs (Minus H.A.M. If that song was a person I would punch it in the stomach repeatedly.)
Stay Tuned.
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